Saturday, March 31, 2012

Conch Fritters

I love to go to Key West.  We are so lucky, my sister in law and her husband have a place in the Keys, and it's an easy down down Hwy 1 to Key West.  Who wouldn't want a conch fritter at this colorful stand near Mallyory Square.  And of course, there are chickens everyway. 

This painting currently is on exhibit at Tidewater Gallery in Swansboro.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Currently at Carolina Artist Studio

Three of my paintings currently on display in at the Carolina Studio Artist Gallery in Morehead.  They will be on display thru the month of May. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Island House

Don't hold me to it - but I believe this desolate house is located in the abandoned island community of Portsmouth NC.  I took the photo a long time ago, and know I'm somewhere in the Outer Banks near Cape Lookout.  This painting is at the Tidewater Gallery in Swansboro. 

Here's the story of Portsmouth (thanks to Wikipedia). 

Portsmouth was a fishing and shipping village located on the north end of the Core Banks on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The site lies on Portsmouth Island in Carteret County, across Ocracoke Inlet from the village of Ocracoke. The town was established in 1753, and abandoned in 1971. Its remains are now part of the Cape Lookout National Seashore.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chinese Collection

One day, I gathered all my Asian flea market finds - teapot, handleless cup, figurine, and wonderful bronze covered urn - threw in a few green apples and voila - still life. 

Currently on View at Carolina Artist Studio Gallery in Morehead.  Stop by and check out all the art by very talented, very lovely local artists!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Columbia Heights, Brooklyn

This is the scene - a beautiful white townhouse - on Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Heights, just a block off the Promenade - that caught my eye and camera last summer.  I had to paint it and save it forever.  I sent an image of the oil sketch to the person who views this from her living room window, she said "I have to have this."  So it was sold before it was finished.  P.S.  The townhouse recently sold for over $10 million!  Once again, proves that I have champagne taste.